Since early 2019, Ohio’s first dispensary was open for medical marijuana patients. Since the opening of the first dispensary in Ohio, medical marijuana patients all over Ohio have been enjoying the relief benefits of marijuana since then.

There may be reasons to hesitate if you don’t have your medical marijuana card yet. You may have concerns about sharing your information with the registry, as it could lead to you consuming a Schedule controlled substance. There is still some stigma around marijuana use.

You might also wonder if it’s worth getting an Ohio medical cannabis card if you can get products from your neighbor.

There are many reasons to apply for a card as a medical marijuana patient from Ohio medical registry. Continue reading to learn why getting a card is worth the price.

1. Ohio Is Expanding Access To Medical Marijuana

There are many Ohio dispensaries located throughout the state. Their product supply is growing. It’s much more enjoyable to visit a dispensary than it was when there were only a few options.

There are many options for cannabis strains in Ohio. Orange 43, Garlic Cookies Ice Cream Cake, and Sherbhead are some of the most loved strains for medical marijuana patients in Ohio.

2. The Legal Use Of Cannabis Is Permitted

Medical cannabis can be used to treat a variety of ailments and symptoms. Doctors around the globe have realized this. People suffering from chronic pain or PTSD, Cancer, Crohn’s disease, and other ailments have found relief in medical cannabis.

The need for natural medicine is recognized by all states. 33 states have legalized cannabis either recreationally or medically.

3. You Can Enjoy Marijuana Without Fear Of Breaking The Law

Medical marijuana is not medicine. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be able to enjoy it. Relaxing and enjoying cannabis is easier when you don’t have to worry about breaking the law or being caught by the police.

You don’t have to be ashamed of using medical cannabis for your condition. You don’t have to go to the dispensary to get your Ohio marijuana card.

4. You Can Find Marijuana Products That Treat Your Symptoms

There is no way to know what you will get and when if you’re currently buying cannabis products on the black market. You may not know who the grower is, or if the chemicals are used.

A dispensary allows you to choose the best cannabinoids or terpenes for your needs. You can find the right product for you at a licensed dispensary; whether you are looking for something that will ease your pain or help you sleep better without causing anxiety.

5. Make Sure You Know What You Are Getting When Purchasing Medical Marijuana At A Dispensary

You always know what you’re getting when you buy medical marijuana from a licensed Ohio dispensary. The product labels include THC content, the origin of the product, the harvest date, and sometimes the terpene profile.

6. It’s Quick And Easy To Get Your Ohio Medical Marijuana Card

If you have a qualifying condition, the Ohio Marijuana Card allows you to apply for medical marijuana treatment. We can assist you in obtaining your medical records and documentation. Telemedicine appointments are also available for you to meet with a doctor from the comfort of your home.

To find out if your application is eligible, contact our support team at and ask any questions. To schedule a medical marijuana evaluation today, you can also call our friendly support staff at

By Eloise